ColorFusion 30" x 60" Midweight Beach Towel

  • Low 18 piece minimum!
  • Get creative with edge to edge decorating in unlimited colors!
  • Fast delivery
  • Remember, Beach Towels last on an average of 15 years!
  • This towel's a gift that's great for recognition programs, company stores, safety programs, incentives, and corporate travel, among other things.
Production Time: 7 Working Days
18 $28.06 each
36 $25.34 each
72 $24.12 each
144 $23.35 each
288 $22.62 each
600 $21.72 each
$80.00 each
Finally, the ability to let your imagination run wild...on absorbent velour cotton blended beach towels. With ColorFusion™ towels, we offer domestically printed edge-to-edge designs in vibrant colors with a low 18-piece minimum.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
30" X 60

11 lbs./doz

Additional Information
No set up charge for orders of 144+.A pre-production proof is required for this product. Pre-production samples: $25.00(v) per product (which includes paper proof) plus set up charges, product price and freight. To expedite orders, pre-production samples are shipped via overnight freight, unless otherwise specified.
Promotional Gifts USA
Portland, OR
(503) 473-0116